Woodchuck Removal

Woodchucks driving you crazy? Safeway provides humane, live trapping, removal & relocation in CT!

Woodchuck General Information:  

Woodchucks are members of the squirrel family. 

They are vegetarians, eating grass, clover and other green tender vegetation. 

An adult Woodchuck will consume between one to two pounds of vegetation daily.

Woodchucks are stocky animals weighing from 5 to 14 pounds with short legs and a short bushy tail. 

Their fur is brown in color.

Hibernation Facts: 

A Woodchuck is one of the few animals that actually hibernate.

From mid-October to February they hibernate. 

Mating Facts for Woodchucks: 

In February they emerge and shortly after mate with four to six offspring being born in April.

The young leave the nest in late July to establish their own burrow and territory.

Woodchuck Burrows and Your Property:

A Woodchuck's burrow system is located about three to four feet below ground and extends up to twenty-five feet. 

Woodchuck burrows often have three entrance holes, one main entrance and two bolt holes.

The Woodchuck is also known as the Ground Hog. Their favorite den sites are under low decks, under sheds, under front steps and porches and pool houses. A good fence is the best way to discourage Woodchucks from eating garden plants.

 How Safeway Can Help You TODAY:

If you live in southern Connecticut and have a problem with Woodchucks, Safeway Wildlife & Pest Control can safely and humanely trap and relocate them. Give us a call at (860)395-6473. Fully licensed and insured. 

Safeway Wildlife & Pest Control offers Woodchuck Trapping and Removal in Southern Connecticut
Safeway Wildlife & Pest Control offers Woodchuck Trapping and Removal in Southern Connecticut